Fundraising ideas

Get moo-re sponsorship with these handy ideas

We’re asking each Mini-Moo’er to try and raise £50 to help us reach our Summer of Moo fundraising goal of £125,000! Here are some fun ideas that are great for kids!

Set up an online giving page and share, share, share!

Ask a grown up to help you set up an online giving page. Popular sites are Justgiving, GoFundMe, Facebook Fundraising, or Enthuse, which you can do when you sign up for the Mini Moo. Make sure to share why you’re doing the Mini Moo and add a fundraising goal of £50 or more. When it’s ready, ask a grown up to send it out to as many people as possible, post on social media, and send the link to friends and family.

Think of it this way, you just need 5 people to donate £10, so the more people that see your fundraising page, the more people will donate!

If your grown up needs help setting your page up, just email Or if you prefer a paper sponsorship form, you can download one to print off:

Mini Moo sponsorship form

Sponsored Ssshh!!

Get sponsored by your friends and family to not say a word for a whole day!

Guess the weight of the cake

Bake a cake and charge your friends and family £2 or more to guess the weight – whoever is closest, wins the cake!

Put on a show!

Host a talent show or play and charge an entry fee of £2 a ticket!

Chores for cash

Raise money for Willen Hospice AND help out around the house! Complete chores like washing up, tidying your room or dusting, in return for some pocket money that you can donate.


If you’re a family of readers, set yourself a challenge of reading a certain amount of books in just one and get sponsorship.

Challenge a day!

Get sponsorship for completing a different physical challenge every day for a week. This could be 100 jumping jacks, 10 laps of the garden, or going up and down the stairs 20 times!

Competitive challenges

In just one minute… who can do the most kick ups? Score the most goals? Or do the most star jumpes? Go head to head with your siblings or friends and family.

We hope that’s inspired you! If you need any help with your fundraising then please just get in touch at

Why we need your support

The money raised from our Mini Moo could help fund our dedicated Children and Families Services. This includes one-on-one time with Jackie, our own Children & Families social worker, supporting children through pre and post bereavement, as well as advising parents, guardians and schools on how best to support them.

We also recently opened our new Wellbeing Hub, which provides a welcoming space for children to process their grief through play and reading. We have our own library of children’s books explaining bereavement and grief through story telling. There is also a new art therapy space for children to communicate and understand their emotions through creativity. All of this is provided free of charge to children who have had a family member cared, or being cared for, by the Hospice. We can only do this thanks to the generosity from our local community.

In a typical year...
our cost, per minute
phone calls to patients at home
fabulous volunteers
patients cared for at home
home visits
patients at the hospice
of cups of tea
counselling sessions
We can only provide the care we do thanks to the incredible generosity of our community, through their continued volunteering, fundraising and donations throughout the year. Your donation will enable us to continue providing care and support to those facing a life-limiting diagnosis, and to support their loved ones.