Advance Care Planning

-What’s important to you?

It is never too early to think about the consequences of becoming ill or frail and to talk things through with your loved ones and professional carers. ACP is a process in which you can think, talk and write about what is important to you, and describe the kind of care you would want if you became unable to make decisions for yourself.

What kind of care would you want if you became unable to speak for yourself?

What else would be important to you?

You can record your wishes and plans for your future or end of life care in an Advance Care Plan which others can refer to if they need to make decisions on your behalf.

Well laid plans can give you and your loved ones peace of mind. If you record your wishes, you are more likely to get the care you want.

An Advance Care Plan is very individual. You can write about anything that would make your care more comfortable, such as where you would prefer to be looked after and by whom. You can also make more formal plans, which might include:

  • Appointing someone to make decisions for you (Lasting Power of Attorney)
  • Specifying treatment you would not want (Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment)
  • Funeral planning
  • Donating your organs

If you want to make an Advance Care Plan, talk to your doctor, nurse or other professional looking after you. For more information visit

Download the Milton Keynes booklet “Planning your Care in Advance” below.

Willen looked after George so well and us as a family too and it was so relaxing to come there. Nothing seemed to be any trouble to the staff and although you know the outcome of being there it made life for us easier knowing your husband in my case had the best possible care, so a big Thank you.

- Hazel Lee

In a typical year...
our cost, per minute
phone calls to patients at home
fabulous volunteers
patients cared for at home
home visits
patients at the hospice
of cups of tea
counselling sessions
We can only provide the care we do thanks to the incredible generosity of our community, through their continued volunteering, fundraising and donations throughout the year. Your donation will enable us to continue providing care and support to those facing a life-limiting diagnosis, and to support their loved ones.