Iceland Trek – 12-17 March 2025

Join us as we spend three days trekking through the other-worldly landscapes of Iceland for Willen Hospice.  

This charity challenge will see you trekking across active volcanoes and vast lava fields, bubbling mud pools, hot springs and more. You’ll hike to Iceland’s youngest volcano, Gelgingaldir, and neighbouring Fagradaslsfjall before exploring the peaks of Mount Hengill heritage sit, scaling the impressive Vörðuskeggi Peak with spectacular views. You will also have the incredible experience of trekking along the fault lines between Europe and America – and don’t forget to keep an eye on the skies where you might be lucky enough to see the Aurora Borealis! Unlike our other treks, you’ll be staying in hotels rather than camping. This trek is graded moderate to challenging as you will be trekking long distances over varying terrain over consecutive days.

Whether you’re a travel lover, hiker, or just want to do something amazing for charity, this challenge will be an unforgettable experience.

Watch the video to find out more about the trek

Iceland Trek itinerary

  • Day 1 (Wednesday 12th March 2025): 

    UK – Reykjavik 
    Depart for Reykjavik and transfer to a hotel on the southern coast of Iceland. 
    Overnight: Hotel 
    Meals: Dinner

  • Day 2 (Thursday 13th March 2025):

    Gelgingaldir – Fagradaslsfjall – Seltun 
    Today we will drive for an hour along the South Shore Road on the Reykjanes peninsula. 
    We will be taking a hike up to Iceland’s youngest volcano, Geldingadalir, before walking to neighbouring Fagradalsfjall Volcano and the surrounding lava fields. We spend the day hiking in this area and you will be able to explore the devastating yet beautiful aftermath of recent volcanic eruptions. On the way back to our hotel we will stop at Seltún Geothermal Area and visit the bubbling pools of mud, fumaroles, and hot springs. 
    Overnight: Hotel 
    Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner 
    Trek: approx.14km/6 hours 

  • Day 3 (Friday 14th March 2025):

    Hengill – Mt Vörðuskeggi 
    After a hearty breakfast we will drive up to the Mt Hengill area before our hike up to 
    Vörðuskeggi Peak (805m). From the top we can enjoy stunning views of Lake Þingvellir and Langjökull to the north, and Eyjafjallajökull and the distant Westman Islands to the West. We will then trek up to Mt Skeggi the highest peak in the Hengill heritage site. We will return to our hotel tonight for dinner and a well-earned jacuzzi. 
    Overnight: Hotel 
    Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner 
    Trek: approx. 13-14km / 8 hours 

  • Day 4 (Saturday 15th March 2025): 

    Þingellir National Park – Reykjavik 
    A short drive brings us to the National Park of Thingvellir where we will hike along the fault lines that divides America and Europe. After the hike we drive to Reykjavik for your celebration dinner in town and last night at a hotel. 
    Overnight: Hotel 
    Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner
    Trek: approx. 10km/ 4 hours

  • Day 5 (Sunday 16th March 2025): 

    Today is a free day to explore Reykjavik at your leisure. There is an optional trip to the famous Blue Lagoon for an addition cost if you wish. 
    Overnight: Hotel 
    Meals: Breakfast and dinner

  • Day 6 (Monday 17th March 2025):

    After breakfast we will transfer to the airport for our flight home. 
    Meals: Breakfast 


Only part of the challenge is the actual trekking, the first half is the fundraising! Challenge accepted? We’ll be there every step of the way to help you with your fundraising.

  • 1 to 1 call with Vannessa, our Challenges Fundraising Manager to discuss fundraising ideas
  • Provide buckets, pots, a Willen Hospice t-shirt, and customisable banner
  • Fundraising pack and prvoide advice on setting up an online giving page
  • Opportunity to promote fundraising activities on Willen Hospice social media channels

Costs and fundraising targets:

A £385 registration fee is payable at the time of booking and then you can choose one of the three options: 

  1. Fundraise £4,100 for Willen Hospice. A total of £3,280 (80%) should be fundraised by 18 December 2024 with the remaining £820 due by the trip date.
  2. Self-fund: Pay £2,050 trip costs by 18th December 2024 and fundraise £2,050
  3. Flexi-option: Pay trip costs of £2,050 with 80% (£1,640) of fundraising achieved by 18th December 2024, with the remaining £410 due by the trip date. Raise an additional £2,050 for Willen Hospice.


This trip is operated by The Different Travel Company, a company registered in England, number 05324268, ATOL bonded number 6706 for Willen Hospice (registered charity number 270194).

In a typical year...
our cost, per minute
phone calls to patients at home
fabulous volunteers
patients cared for at home
home visits
patients at the hospice
of cups of tea
counselling sessions
We can only provide the care we do thanks to the incredible generosity of our community, through their continued volunteering, fundraising and donations throughout the year. Your donation will enable us to continue providing care and support to those facing a life-limiting diagnosis, and to support their loved ones.