Blue week returned for 2023, after a few years’ break, with a blue bang! Supportive local schools and businesses in Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas, went ‘Blue for Willen’ to help us raise awareness of the vital work we do at Willen Hospice.

We had some fantastic support from all corners of our community and a whole lot of fun along the way. Local businesses held bake sales and embraced dressing up in blue from head to toe in some cases!

Our community team transformed our swan float into a blue pirate float especially for Blue Week which, thanks to our amazing volunteers, sailed the high seas across the city all week long, meeting some wonderful people. This included an indoor mooring in Xscape Milton Keynes who also turned their shopping centre lights  blue for Willen.  Our friends at Gulliver’s Land Resort, even sent over their Pirate Mascot, Buddy, to join our float at Asda in Bletchley.

Several local schools held non-uniform ‘Dress in Blue‘ days and we added a bit of nostalgia for their teachers by delivering a box of Willen Hospice ‘Blue Bugs‘ for them to use for their fundraising.

Our colleagues and volunteers across our charity pulled out all the stops for Blue Week and our box of blue wigs proved very popular!. Our retail team not only curated amazing blue window and in-store displays, but a brave trio of retail leaders embarked upon a sponsored blue hair (and beard!) fundraiser thanks to the help of local hairdressers Rush and Craig who kindly donated their time and expertise to create a much more permanent blue look.

Thank you for your continued support. We can’t wait to do it all again next year!