Spiritual Care

Pastoral, spiritual and religious care

For people of all faiths and worldviews

For anyone, being in a Hospice or having a loved one in a Hospice can throw up a range of complex emotions.

Our Chaplains will provide time and support to help you process these experiences in a non-judgmental and caring space. Our Chaplains are specialists in listening attentively.  This can be hugely beneficial when you or your loved one are facing illness and uncertainty.

Care for the ‘human spirit’ is so important. It helps us to reflect on our relationship with ourselves, other people and the world around us. You may wish to speak to a Chaplain to help you reflect on your situation and find impartial support beyond your own networks.

Why might you wish to speak to a Chaplain?

  • If you have received bad news.If you would like to talk to someone non-medical about your experiences, in confidence.
  • To support you in processing your experience of death and dying.
  • To receive religious rites e.g. the Sacrament of the Sick or Holy Communion.
  • If you would like help and support practising your religious faith, including speaking to someone from your own faith and belief community or having a significant text to read.
  • To support with any reflections prompted by your stay in the Hospice.
  • If you would like to get married.
  • If you need support in having your cultural needs understood and met.

Support for all faiths and worldviews

People of all worldviews, including those who belong to a particular religious faith, respond as individuals to illness. Sometimes your deeply held beliefs can be a help to you in crisis and at other times they could be a source of difficulty.

Our Chaplaincy team will support you and respond to your needs rather than sharing our own faith or beliefs. If you would like prayers or to read a text which fits with your own worldview, our Chaplaincy team can provide support. If you are from a specific faith community or would like to connect with a belief group, then we can arrange this with local faith and belief contacts who work alongside our team.

The Quiet Room

Sometimes it can be helpful to find somewhere peaceful where we can pray or quietly contemplate what is happening in our lives. If you would like a quiet place to sit or to pray please ask a member of staff.

Where to find us

Our service is provided for patients at Willen Hospice through an agreement with the Milton Keynes University Hospital  Chaplaincy Service.

We are based at the Hospice and at Milton Keynes University Hospital. We welcome you to contact us and arrange to see us. You can contact our spiritual care service by speaking to a member of staff, phoning the hospital chaplaincy office on 01908 996061 (or via the hospital switchboard in an emergency on 01908 660033), or by email chaplaincy@mkuh.nhs.uk

Meet the team

Ali Facey
Sarah Crane
Amanda Pink
In a typical year...
our cost, per minute
phone calls to patients at home
fabulous volunteers
patients cared for at home
home visits
patients at the hospice
of cups of tea
counselling sessions
We can only provide the care we do thanks to the incredible generosity of our community, through their continued volunteering, fundraising and donations throughout the year. Your donation will enable us to continue providing care and support to those facing a life-limiting diagnosis, and to support their loved ones.