“Art Therapy made me worry less at home and I have been able to concentrate more at school. You made life a lot easier”

As adults, we find it hard to unravel our emotions when we are facing saying goodbye to a loved one. In our grief we can feel unexpected guilt or anger and even the most articulate among us can become lost for words. For a child or young person, feelings can be even harder to express.

Art Therapy is one of the ways we help children and young people to understand their thoughts, feelings and behaviours during a very difficult time in their lives.

When an adult special to them is poorly, when a family member is too sad to talk or when a loved ones dies, it can be difficult for children to put into words what they are experiencing.

Art Therapy offers a safe way for children and young people to express how they are feeling. Our Art Therapist, Karen, tailors sessions to the children and young people of the families we care for. She uses art materials to create images, whilst offering support, guidance and a listening ear. Sessions can be provided at the Hospice, school, or at home.

By creating images and objects, children can begin to see the thoughts and feelings they have inside and then be supported by an Art Therapist to better understand themselves and find a way forward.

Because there is no emphasis on expectations of perfect artwork, Karen finds children are more relaxed as they have less pressures compared to a school environment and the feedback from the young people has been so positive.

Karen says children leave the sessions feeling more able to cope at a very difficult time in their lives and find opening up to their families, friends and teachers becomes much easier.

If we are caring for your loved one and you feel a child or young person in your family would benefit from Art Therapy, call 01908 663636 or email arttherapy@willen-hospice.org.uk and we’ll be in touch.