Matt, 19, volunteers at the Willen Hospice dedicated Music Shop, Off the Record, based at The Point in Central Milton Keynes.

“I’m a volunteer at Off the Record, the Willen Hospice music shop at The Point. Willen Hospice does so much good work, providing life-changing care to people who really need it. If I can do my part to help such a good charity, that helps so many more people.

Matt told us how he saw volunteering as a positive step towards future employment and how important the role was in making himself and his family proud.

“My friends and family are very proud of me taking this step. I also think a lot of future employers will look at my volunteering work and use that as indication that I’m a hard worker, someone who’s dedicated and likes to help out in any way I can.”

George is 15 and volunteers for a couple of hours a week in our Kiln Farm Furniture Store.

George likes the social aspects of volunteering and is keen to keep himself busy and out from under his parents feet!

“I volunteer in the Willen Hospice Furniture store. I spend a couple of hours a week to help make money for the Hospice. It all goes towards a good cause, which is better than sitting at home! I get on really well with my co-workers and I’m looking forward to staying on.”

Find out more about our range of volunteering roles here.