Social care

For you, your family or carer

When someone is ill, it can have a knock-on effect on others in your family.

Our specialist Social Care Team will do everything they can to prevent you from feeling socially isolated. They can work with you to help resolve any issues you could potentially experience, if you are feeling disadvantaged by your illness.

You may find that accessing services in the community becomes harder. It can make relying on current support networks more difficult.

Our goal is to help you to make choices so that you can live as independently as possible. Working alongside you, your family, carers, and support systems, we support you to address issues that can affect you, such as:

  • access to social and financial support
  • providing information and emotional support
  • signposting you to other specialist services

How can we help?

Our team can support you in any of the areas below, or you may like to download our social care leaflet here which gives a summary of the services we provide. If you need more information about how we can support young people or children, please contact our team on 01908 663636 or email 

Being referred to our social care team

If you are already under the care of Willen Hospice or you are a family member, carer, or close friend of a patient you can self-refer by phone or email. You can also ask our Willen at Home team or In-patient Care team, your GP, District Nurse or Community Social Worker or other Healthcare professional to refer you to us.

What can you expect?

  • To have your voice heard
  • Consideration to be given to your individual circumstances
  • To be offered time to explore your concerns
  • To be treated fairly, equally and with respect and compassion regardless of race, gender, class, age, culture, religion, sexuality or ability
  • Safeguarding
  • Access to resources to help you in every situation, including bereavement and traumatic bereavement 

For more information, to refer someone to us, please call us on 01908 663636, email

Additional support

Winston’s Wish provides support for children, young people up to the age of 25 and adults supporting them. You can call their Freephone Helpline on 08088 020 021 (8am-8pm, Monday to Friday), email them on or use their live chat (open 3-8pm, Monday to Friday).

Their practitioners are there to listen, can offer immediate guidance and resources and tell you what support they can offer and what might be most suitable for you. The Winston’s Wish Crisis Messenger is available 24/7 for urgent support in a crisis. Text WW to 85258.

There is also a short film on Child Bereavement UK’s website alongside advice and support for parents, carers or family supporting children and young people.

Managing Christmas and special occasions

Supporting bereaved children at Christmas and beyond

At A Loss is the UK’s bereavement signposting website to find information and support services.

WAY (Widowed and Young) is a UK charity that offers a peer-to-peer support network for anyone who lost a partner before their 51st birthday – married or not, with or without children and whatever their sexual orientation.

Loss and Life provide resources and training to support individuals through the grieving process.

In a typical year...
our cost, per minute
phone calls to patients at home
fabulous volunteers
patients cared for at home
home visits
patients at the hospice
of cups of tea
counselling sessions
We can only provide the care we do thanks to the incredible generosity of our community, through their continued volunteering, fundraising and donations throughout the year. Your donation will enable us to continue providing care and support to those facing a life-limiting diagnosis, and to support their loved ones.