Every year, the legacy that your loved ones leave us, funds the specialist palliative care for 1 in 4 of our patients. These amazing gifts allow us to invest in new services so we can be there for even more families of Milton Keynes, wherever and whenever they need us. 

Leaving a gift in your Will is an incredible way to support the Hospice in the years ahead. We know it can be daunting and hard to know where to start so we chatted to Fiz Johnson, our Legacy Officer, who answered some commonly asked questions around legacy giving.  

Why should I write a Will?  

Planning your estate and putting your affairs in order, will make life so much easier for your loved ones when the time comes. Having an up to date Will is the only way to ensure your family, friends and the causes you care about are looked after 

What happens if I don’t have a Will?  

Your estate will be distributed under the law and rules of intestacy, which means it may be against your wishes.

How can I change my Will to include a gift to Willen Hospice?  

The easiest way to make a change to your Will is to use a Codicil which is a supplement to the Will that can make changes and allow additions. 

I don’t have much to leave, will my gift make a difference?  

Yes! Every gift in a Will makes a huge difference and ensures we can continue to grow and invest in our services to meet the needs of our growing community long into the future. 

Can a gift to charity help reduce tax?  

Yes. Gifts to UK-registered charities can help reduce Inheritance Tax that needs to be paid on your estate. We recommend you speak to a solicitor or tax accountant for further advice on tax issues.


Anyone can leave a gift in their Will. This can be done by either writing a Will if you don’t already have one or by amending an existing will. You can create or amend a Will in the following ways:  

OnlineBequest offer a free online Starter Will writing service (normally £39) Find out more here.

In personSolicitors Appointments  You’ll find a  list of participating solicitors here. There will be a suggested minimum donation for a simple Will, please contact your chosen solicitor directly.

 At homeThe Goodwill Partnership offers a Will writing service from the comfort of your home, all year round and at any time! The Goodwill Partnership charges £145 + VAT for a single Will. The service includes a free, no obligation home visit. Find out more here.

Need more information? For some friendly informal advice, call Fiz on 01908 303068.